Levite and
         the Concubine



Levite and
         the Concubine




Acts 8:32 {In Praying for continued work on this}

"He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and a lamb is silent before her shearer,

so he does not open his mouth. In his humiliation justice was denied him."

In prayer I was given this scripture when inquiring upon the Lord in private. The very next day the corresponding verse from Isaiah at my local church was gone over in an advanced edifying connection unbeknownest to the one preaching on it. And nearly beyond my comprehension as to how incredible this all was.

The entire Chapter, she is not cited to have said an entire word. In John 19, Jesus' trial and cruxifiction and one could argue the only more gruesome story in the Bible and PERHAPS in all of history than this, is where we also get reference to Him not opening His mouth while on trial. This woman is also on trial. The Septuigent, written a few hundred years prior to Christ, the Greek manuscript quoted by new testament authors does not refer to her as a whore though others do, but simply put, says she gets angry. So she is on trial before all the world to this very day. And people, as with Christ, have a skewed opinion of her. She is, as Christ, an unknown and to the common reader nothing desirable to be seen.

Genesis 19 { parrallels to this and Sodom}

Verse 4: the Sons of Belial, as in 22 in chapter 19 of Judges, beat on the door demanding to have sex with the Angels in Genesis and with the Levite in Judges. Both Characters of God are the Angels and the Levite


John19 The Cruxifiction and Trial Of Jesus

Theres more on all this...To be continued


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